Good Gaggling during the regionalsby SimonCompetitions, Members FlightsPosted on 11 August 20219 December 2024Comments are Disabled
Some words of wisdom on when to start your SimonMembers FlightsPosted on 11 August 20219 December 2024Comments are Disabled
AIM HIGHER Soaring and Cross-country Ground School – Saturday 21st Marchby SimonClub News, LearningPosted on 23 February 202019 March 2024Comments are Disabled
Radio telephony course – starting Wednesday March 4th. Book now to reserve your place!by SimonClub News, Learning, Member EventsPosted on 31 January 202019 March 2024Comments are Disabled
Reserve your shares for the Single Seater Scheme and get an EarlyBird Discount!by SimonClub NewsPosted on 20 December 201919 March 2024Comments are Disabled
Mutual Flying (and cross country coaching)by SimonLearningPosted on 8 September 201819 March 2024Comments are Disabled
Winter eventsby SimonClub News, Competitions, Member Events, Public EventsPosted on 28 September 201616 October 2024Comments are Disabled