Flexible cross country training

This summer we will again be offering flexible cross country training which, it is hoped, will enable us to make more use of days when the weather turns out to be suitable. This training is open to all solo members but will be particularly valuable for those with little or no cross-country experience. It will operate as follows.

Thursdays and Fridays during the summer (from April 1st through to September 30th) will be prioritised for cross-country training. On these days, whenever the weather is suitable, Robert Theil or Andy Beatty, will take aspiring cross-country pilots on cross-country flights. Normal ab initio and general training will also be available on these days, and bookable via the website in the normal way, but fewer slots will be available.

Members interested in this training should now register their interest (and any limits on their availability such as Fridays only) with the office. At the beginning of each week members wishing to book a cross-country training slot for the coming Thursday or Friday should book directly with the office.

On Tuesday or Wednesday when the forecast is looking good for the end of the week the office will confirm the cross-country training with those that have booked. If there are still spare spaces, others on the list will be contacted to offer them a slot.

If the forecast is poor the office will send out a general email to members to say that extra general training slots will be available on the coming Thursday and/or Friday and these can then be booked via the website.

Cross country training will be bookable (via the office) a week in advance but please register your interest with the office now.