What comes down … must go upby Phil AtkinMembers Flights, UncategorizedPosted on 21 October 202421 October 2024Comments are Disabled
Wildlife at Cambridge Gliding Centreby SimonGeneralPosted on 12 October 202412 October 2024Comments are Disabled
CGC Shines at the Duxford Flying Finale 2024by OfficeClub NewsPosted on 8 October 202413 January 2025Comments are Disabled
Carter takes to the skies: First solo flight!by OfficeClub News, SoloPosted on 26 September 202426 September 2024Comments are Disabled
Riaz Takes to the Skies: First Solo Flight!by OfficeClub News, SoloPosted on 12 September 202418 September 2024Comments are Disabled
New Solo Pilots Take to the Skies: Congratulations to Harry and Till!by OfficeClub News, SoloPosted on 3 September 20243 September 2024Comments are Disabled
CGC Returned to Little Gransden Airshow August 25thby OfficeClub NewsPosted on 29 August 202421 October 2024Comments are Disabled
The Cloud Rally Photosby SimonAbout Gliding, Competitions, Member EventsPosted on 18 August 20246 December 2024Comments are Disabled
The Cloud Rallyby SimonCompetitions, Member Events, VideosPosted on 18 August 202417 October 2024Comments are Disabled
Schleicher ASK 21 / K21 Gliderby SimonUncategorizedPosted on 15 August 202415 October 2024Comments are Disabled
Congratulations Merlin Ohta, Winner of the Silver Award in the Sports Class at the Saltby Open Aerobatic Competitionby OfficeClub News, Competitions, Public EventsPosted on 19 July 202418 September 2024Comments are Disabled