Winter events

cartoon-pilot-3Apart from the usual flying activities, the following club events are planned for this winter:

  • Radiotelephony course – this very useful course leads to a formal CAA / EASA RT licence. The course starts in October. For details see the news item on this section of the website.
  • This year’s fireworks party will be held on Saturday October 29th. The Treasurer has agreed to an increased budget this year so the display will definitely be bigger and better this year. Tickets go on sale soon but get the date in your diary now.
  • Prize giving will be after flying on Sunday December 11th. Some young whipper snappers are giving the old guard a run for their money this year so come along and see who grabbed the best silver (and enjoy the bar, mulled wine, mince pies and tall stories).
  • For those of you who are getting ready to stretch your wings, the 2017 Bronze ground school will start in January. Full details and booking will be available nearer the time.
  • Also early in the New Year Colin Smithers will be organising our regular series of aeronautically themed winter lectures. Look out for the programme.
  • Finally, to help make 2017 your best soaring season yet, we will be running a weekend cross country ground school in March. Note, the date will be Saturday March 11th rather than March 5th as originally thought. Full details will be published nearer the time.